The Environmental Growth Challenge 2017 is designed to help turn Cornwall Council's Environmental Growth Strategy into action. This networking event, which is aimed at businesses, volunteers, community groups and individuals, will include interesting presentations, interactive displays, workshops and an exciting ‘Challenge’ competition with prizes. Speakers will include Professor Kevin Gaston (CIoS LNP), Nick Bruce-White (RSPB) and Manda Brookman (CoAST Project) and the day will provide inspiration, as well as the time and encouragement to collaborate with others across all sectors.

Cornwall Council are a partner in the PERFECT project, and the event will highlight the role of the council in the project and the aims of the partnership. The event is an opportunity for the council to engage with key stakeholders on the upcoming work of PERFECT in terms of maximising the benefits of planning and investing in high quality green infrastructure, and the socio-economic potential of natural heritage. 


The event will also launch the Cornwall Sustainability Awards 2017.