The PERFECT partnership has published a new factsheet on green infrastructure and food.

Food plays a fundamental role in our everyday lives; from the way we socialise to how long we might live. the evidence of the multiple benefits of growing, processing and consuming food locally – ranging from tackling obesity to global food security – demonstrates that reconnecting people to their food systems is more important than ever. This factsheet sets out for the benefit of policy-makers the advantages of planning for green infrastructure and food-growing opportunities, ‘principles for success’ when encouraging and delivering these food-growing opportunities, and a case study of the approach pursued by ‘Edible Ebbsfleet’ in the UK.

The PERFECT factsheets are designed to help make the case for green infrastructure to decision-makers and politicians by bringing together evidence and key statistics from across Europe to demonstrate the benefits provided by networks of green space in urban areas – and that investment in high-quality green infrastructure is easily repaid from the benefits that it brings.

The green infrastructure and food factsheet is available to download for free here.