Input and advice from the professionals associated with both organisations is shared so that future development optimises sustainable transport.
In preparing both the Regional Transport Strategy and Strategic Development Plan, input and advice from the professionals associated with both organisations is shared so that future development is progressed in a way that optimises healthy and sustainable transport, at a fundamental level.

Resources needed

Interaction between strategic planning and transport functions needs to start at an early stage.

Evidence of success

Further congestion on key routes is avoided. Sustainable transport use encouraged. Congestion and pollution have been reduced. For example, within the SEStran area, comprising over 25% of all Scottish vehicle-km, traffic has reduced by 3.5% from 2007 to 2012.

Potential for learning or transfer

It would be of benefit if a central fund, contributed to by private sector developers, to invest in new infrastructure can be set up. (Legal issues in Scotland have prevented this from happening, to date).
Main institution
Eastern Scotland, United Kingdom
Start Date
July 2007
End Date


Catriona Macdonald Please login to contact the author.