Published on 17 June 2019

This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
The metropolitan area of Granada is composed by 55 municipalities, most of them under 20.000 inhabitants and a semirural area. As well Granada city itself is placed between the mountains of “Sierra Nevada” and the rural area known as “La Vega de Granada”. Stated this, the improvement of transport infrastructures and coordination with all other small and medium municipalities is not an easy task for the town hall.
Thus, a SUMP was developed in 2012, and from all different actions to be taken, the Mobility department of the City of Granada, in order to improve the real time information on Public Transport of citizens, and to integrate the information of all different transport modes, has developed the GTFS files of public urban public transport in Granada. In order to have a better service and reach as many people as possible, they are working with more platforms and applications to incorporate public transport in Granada. At the moment, they already worked with the following platforms that incorporate this service with data from the Mobility Area of the City of Granada. The town hall of Granada spoke with Moovit, and offered themselves to update all information available in the APP, therefore they would have all official data, already validated. The Town hall has a superior level access to the whole province of Granada, and there is no change proposed by citizens that they don’t validate.
Thus, a SUMP was developed in 2012, and from all different actions to be taken, the Mobility department of the City of Granada, in order to improve the real time information on Public Transport of citizens, and to integrate the information of all different transport modes, has developed the GTFS files of public urban public transport in Granada. In order to have a better service and reach as many people as possible, they are working with more platforms and applications to incorporate public transport in Granada. At the moment, they already worked with the following platforms that incorporate this service with data from the Mobility Area of the City of Granada. The town hall of Granada spoke with Moovit, and offered themselves to update all information available in the APP, therefore they would have all official data, already validated. The Town hall has a superior level access to the whole province of Granada, and there is no change proposed by citizens that they don’t validate.
Expert opinion
Improving comfort and efficiency is a key part of encouraging greater use of public transport. Mobile and web applications that can provide real-time information and connection details can help by making transport as easy as possible for citizens. This practice is a good example of such a system of integrating public transport into a single ICT platform across a metropolitan area, working with an existing private service provider to improve the service. Regions that have not already implemented a real-time information system can take a similar approach.
Works at
Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Resources needed
So the town hall has needed mainly just some human resources already at disposal to promote sustainable mobility, to update the information already available and control it.
The Town hall updated all static data related to P.T. lines, trajectories, stops, and schedules.
The Town hall updated all static data related to P.T. lines, trajectories, stops, and schedules.
Evidence of success
Granada has 1 transit type(s), including: Bus, operated by several transit agencies, including CTAGR. It is planned to include a new Tram/Metro line as it starts to work during 2017.
The free application on public transport "Moovit", allows to search from the mobile phone the best combination of transport or the expected waiting time at stops. As well it enables users to receive specific alerts. This AAP already works in Granada capital since the last semester of 2016.
The free application on public transport "Moovit", allows to search from the mobile phone the best combination of transport or the expected waiting time at stops. As well it enables users to receive specific alerts. This AAP already works in Granada capital since the last semester of 2016.
Potential for learning or transfer
Granada was added to the 1200 cities around the world that already have this service with 'Moovit', which has already reached 50 million users worldwide.
The Town hall doesn’t need to spend any budget, but to dedicate some human resources to it, and it has been proved to be totally replicable.
As well, the APP is available in a Multilanguage platform, which eases a lot its replication possibilities.
And finally, the tools that the APP has, are of interest of all transport authorities. Tools such as Urban Mobility, Analytics, Transit Surveys, Transit Data, Studio, Real-Time info, Bus Locator, Trip Planner API.
The Town hall doesn’t need to spend any budget, but to dedicate some human resources to it, and it has been proved to be totally replicable.
As well, the APP is available in a Multilanguage platform, which eases a lot its replication possibilities.
And finally, the tools that the APP has, are of interest of all transport authorities. Tools such as Urban Mobility, Analytics, Transit Surveys, Transit Data, Studio, Real-Time info, Bus Locator, Trip Planner API.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Granada Energy Agency (Granada Provincial Council)
