Lombardy Region has been supporting energy deep retrofitting of Public Housing buildings including sustainable and bio-architecture solutions.
Promotion of deep energy renovation of existing buildings devoted to public housing services (SAP) owned exclusively by Public Bodies. The measure is funded by European Regional Developement Fund (ERDF) 2014 - 2020 Programme and is aimed to achieving energy and emission performance of higher standards (Level I and II, according to Italian regulation of Legislative Decree 192/2005 and Lombardy Region deliberation 3868/2005). The action mainly involve high energy demanding buildings of 1960’s-80’s. The measure aims to the reduction of energy demand and CO2 emission according to basic requirements: • Reduction > 30% of Global Primary Not Renewable Energy index (EPgl,nren – kWh/m2 y); • Reduction > 20% of Global Primary Total Energy index (EPgl,tot – kWh/m2 y). Beside, it enhances also photovotaics installation and the introduction of bio-ecological architectural solutions according to sustainable approach. No LCA methods are specifically introduced yet, but the good response of this first action may open future development of such an approach. The main interested parties and beneficiaries are Public Bodies (building owners) and the tenants (citizens).

Resources needed

The initiative involved an investment of €. 15,000,000.00 fully funded by ERDF 2014 - 20 Lombardy Programme. The response of the public call highlighted the great demand for this purpose. The overall amount of contribution requested was approximately €. 26,000,000.00.

Evidence of success

41 projects submitted, 37 admitted. Besides to retrofit interventions, they include: 26 installation of a photovoltaic system; 24 installation of a PV storage; 22 remote monitoring/management systems ; 11 de-sealing of pertinential soil; 1 home automation system. The actions led to an overall energy savings in terms of reducing the global non-renewable primary energy demand of around 6.4 GWh/year and a new installed electricity power from Renewable Energy Source of P=256 kWp.

Difficulties encountered

Lombardy Region intends to promote future measures about retrofit of Social Housing building stock, forwarding both goal of energy efficiency and RES development toghether with climate and environmental sustainability, also based on LCA approaches, if applicable to such a scope.

Potential for learning or transfer

The measure gave the opportunity to address an important issue in relation to Public Housing building stock. It gives also the opportunity to develop a dialogue among institutions on sustainability issues. It is also a good chance to promote soil consumption control and the adoption of new construction tecniques. The idea of supporting building renovation and energy efficiency in public housing buildings is something that others can take inspiration from. According to this first positive experience, Regione Lombardia is interested in evaluating LCA methods that can properly introduced in future measures.

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Main institution
Lombardy region
Start Date
October 2019
End Date


Valentina Sachero Please login to contact the author.