Developing new sustainable tourism strategy in through a participatory process (World Café Methodology, focus local groups)
In the framework of a MED project (SUSTOWNS ) Griegos, a town of 138 inhabitants, under the Methodology WORLD Café, developed a participatory process designing the tourism offer at local level.
They defined and developed the broad outlines of a tourism product that we call A WEEKEND AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL. 12 weekends of high offer of different touristic packages.
The defined objective was to build different thematic packages focused indifferent types of customers in order to get a flow of tourists who visit the area throughout the year avoiding the seasonality.
The touristic activity of this municipality is conditioned by its low population density (4.3 inhabitants/km2, compared to 28.2 inhabitants/km2 in Aragon and 92.41 inhabitants/km2 in Spain) and its altitude (1,604m above sea level) which makes it the second highest town in Spain and which allows it to have the only cross-country ski resort in the province. In addition to this, Griegos is close to Albarracín, a neighbor town considered a point of tourist attraction.
Tourism resources available were highlighted through:
- SWOT Analysis: identification of tourist resource and facilities to design actions to promote a rejuvenating tourism offer the area
- Analysis of the current general situation of the municipality concerning the touristic activities, and adapting the strategy to the SDOs.
- Involvement of agents (local actions groups) , through 2 working sessions : Participatory sessions, Contributions, Trainin

Resources needed

Involvement of agents at a local and regional level - Private sector, citizens, Public sectors- at least in 2 well organised focus local groups. The coordination of experts in the field of tourist management and communication is vital.

Evidence of success

1 Action plan was developed - GRIEGOS Action plan & a Tourist Package.
A MoU from the municipality
A touristic product: 12 weekends with activities related to Height (of quality or natural resources: gastronomy, literature, stars, nature, sports (cycling, adventure, sky, cross-country skiing) families, mushrooms…)

Difficulties encountered

Covid-19 was a significant constrain since it was not possible, to organize face to face meetings encounters and the total lock down of Teruel’s city and region for several months was a real negative impact.
Another challenge were the difficulties to involve all sector, private and public interest

Potential for learning or transfer

The World Café Methodology is very useful of the cities as it gives the base for a participatory process linked to tourist activity where many of the stakeholders (private, public and citizens) are able to identify the benefits for them. The methodology allows the creation an adapted local strategy focused on sustainability of resources, green, inclusive and improving the competitiveness of the territory and its citizens
Main institution
Aragonese Federatioon of Municipalities, counties and provinces
Aragón, Spain (España)
Start Date
November 2020
End Date


Laura Gascón Herrero Please login to contact the author.