Thank you!

It was great having you with us in Manchester! We hope that you were inspired by the good practices and presentations.

Please take a moment to visit the online attendee list, to continue learning from and exchange with the other participants at the workshop.

We also have a selection of materials to share with you. On the conclusions page you can find the event learning bag, presentations, pictures and other highlights from Manchester.

About the workshop

Over 40 project partners and stakeholders participated in Manchester at the Manchester United Stadium. The workshop focused on allowing participants to exchange experience and knowledge in two thematic areas:

  • Behavioural change for sustainable mobility
  • Sustainable mobility options for tourism

Several good practices were presented, and the event highlighted the regional policy solutions featured by the Interreg Europe projects REFORM, TRAM, InnovaSUMP, CISMOB, SHARE, and Last Mile. Additionally, presentations from the thematic experts of the Policy Learning Platform and the Joint Secretariat covered the services offered by the Platform and concrete steps to creating a Regional Action Plan. 

It was a full day, with lots of room for small breakout discussions, sharing of good practices, presentations and networking. 

For more good practices, please go to the good practice database, hosted by the Policy Learning Platform.

Research and innovation SME competitiveness Low-carbon economy Environment and resource efficiency