The goal is ambitious: achieving carbon neutrality in the territory of the Province of Parma by 2030, which means that carbon emissions into the atmosphere will have to be compensated by the absorption of carbon itself.

On the 15th of December 2020 the first step in this direction was taken with the signing of the “Carbon Neutrality Parma” Territorial Alliance by the representatives of the 10 public and private entities as founders: Emilia Romagna Region, the Province of Parma, the Municipality of Parma, Parma University and other local stakeholders. The founders will be soon joined by other private entities as supporting members of the Alliance: to achieve the goal indeed it will be necessary to involve and coordinate all local, public and private stakeholders, in order to promote a transformation of the territory at every level, so that the Parma area becomes a center of innovation in responding to climate change by developing specific projects to reduce environmental impact: new sustainable models of production, consumption and territorial planning and new low-impact tools. 

The starting points are the Paris Agreement on climate change, the objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the EU Strategy on adaptation to climate change

The project will be divided into four phases: the first step will produce a mapping of the emissions produced by the territory; the second step will be aimed at exchanging experiences. Both of these phases will be completed within 2021. During the third phase the actions will be defined. Finally, the monitoring and certification of the territorial carbon balance will be undertaken. This model can then be exported to other provinces of Emilia Romagna region.