On January 29, Parma municipality celebrated the end of semester 3 and welcomed semester 4 with its first stakeholder meeting, which was held online with almost 20 participants from both private and public organizations.

The meeting started reviewing Parma’s key POTEnT topics: the boost of the one-stop shop activities, the transition toward PEDs and the implementation of an innovative regulatory action connecting the SECAP with regional funding mechanisms. All the participants brought many insights of their own experience in the field, allowing a very intensive debate around energy transition in the region.

 Multi-disciplinarity is a well-suited word to describe this event, considered the multifaceted public that attended it. Between them, some representatives from Emilia-Romagna Region,  policy instrument owner of the ERDF-ROP (Regional Operational Programme).

Many research organizations also took part to the event: ENEA (the National Energy Agency for the New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development), RSE (Research Centre on Energy Systems) and the University of Parma provided participants with new insights on energy communities’ policies at European and national level. From this general background, the focus of the event shifted on an energy community case study in Emilia-Romagna region, "Geco-Green Energy COmmunity", presented by AESS (Modena Energy and Sustainable Development Agency). This experimental energy community threw light on opportunities and threats on a possible replication in Parma as Geco is one of the good practices included in POTEnT register.

Also the energy companies IREN and Siram SpA intervened during the meeting providing technical updates on their innovative projects to make energy transition a reality.

The meeting attracted the interest of relevant territorial stakeholders: from the general to the specific, and from the normative sphere to the technical one, this meeting reviewed Parma RAP map, empowering its stakeholders with a new vision on the future of energy transition in Parma and the whole Emilia-Romagna Region