POWERTY will be presented in the Energy poverty in the EU: Status, Policies, Consumers Empowerment organised in the frame of the project “TRECE: Training for Energy Consumers Empowerment

The Event is divided in 3 main Sessions:

1. Energy poverty status and policies in the EU and in the Consortium’s countries

(Bulgaria, Greece, Slovenia, Spain, Romania).

2. Presentation of problems, experiences and practical solutions from social agents

3. EU projects designed to tackle the energy poverty and presentation of TRECE’s

training platform.

TRECE project aims to engage people in an energy poverty situation so that they know how

to manage their energy expenditure more efficiently, improving their behavior through

strategies that involve them in better energy efficiency. In order to achieve that, the TRECE

project engages NGOs and public bodies with training tools that allow them to approach and

change consumption habits for groups at risk of energy poverty.

Registration by Monday 20/12/2021 in the following link:


For more details please consult:





Free of charge.

Contact: [email protected]