Mr. Petar Kisyov on behalf of Energy Agency of Plovdiv (EAP) presented POWERTY project in order to exchange experiences with the project partners of the EmpowerMed and the STEP-IN H2020 projects.

During the stakeholders event Mr. Kisyov outlined the need of facilitation of new renewable energy installations to provide safe and clean energy to vulnerable households through the improvement of regional policy instruments in each partner region. Attention was also drawn on the POWERTY methodology on how to achieve those goals. Links with the participating projects were also build.

The overall objective of EmpowerMed is to tackle energy poverty in the coastal areas of Mediterranean countries, with a particular focus on women, gender and health.

STEP-IN consists of a network of Living Labs across Europe. STEP-IN engages with local, national and EU organisations and experts to define policies for reducing energy poverty.