As the second steering committee meeting is drawing closer, we want to describe the regional Government of Carinthia and its initiatives on e-mobility. Being the host of the next meeting, we will enable participants and anyone interested to have a closer look.
As one of the partners with a proven e-mobility concept already in place, Carinthia could be seen as an early adopting region, with first initiatives taking place as early as 2008. Since then, the region has become one of the leaders of the EU-27 when it comes to providing infrastructure for electric vehicles (EVs). Its main strengths are a commitment to the boldness needed for progress and keeping both market factors as well as end user needs in mind at all times. That way, there is already a stable system of e-mobility in place in Carinthia. However, being able to learn from others is always beneficial and it is sure that the system in place can be improved even further via the participation in PROMETEUS.
In addition to having 1.140 public charging stations for electric vehicles and the continuing transition of its vehicle fleet to EVs, Carinthia has now started planning to integrate EVs into other transport networks. This includes, amongst other ideas, interconnecting rail lines and public transport with personal EVs, as written in the regional strategy “Mobility Master Plan Carinthia”. To this end, PROMETEUS could help with integration ideas and good practices, whereas Carinthia is a partner with strong know-how on installing charging infrastructure and promoting e-mobility through policy making.