The covid-19 crisis is a systemic crisis that will also impact mode of transport at least in the short-to-mid term.
The take of Lead Partner Transport Malta on the issues of how the transport system will respond to the covid-19 crisis is that there are various possible outcomes and it is essential that prior to any discussion, both the benefits and consequences of these are assessed not just in view of short term gain but also in terms of their long term social and economic impact. Having said this, whilst Transport Malta is not in a position to foresee future initiatives, they understand that cleaner and alternative modes of transport including shared mobility are still to be given their due importance.
The matter is handled at national level in the Republic of Malta. Prometeus' Lead Partner also believes that the covid-19 crisis has certainly thought us many lessons which we will continue to embrace in future decisions and initiatives related to the push towards cleaner modes of transport and reducing the actual need for commuting.