The Import Workshop of the Municipality of Genoa took place on 3 July 2018 at the premises of Hub 2 Work, Palazzo Tursi, Genoa.
Representatives of the Municipality of Genoa illustrated:
- the state of play of the project in its crucial transition from a phase of mutual learning among Partners to a phase of implementation of a Regional Action Plan by each Partner
- the definition of Genoa’s RAP
- the strategic role of the One Stop Shop model in the more general context of the Municipality’s actions for business development
Experts from Partner organizations, Government of Catalonia, Birmingham City Council and Development Bank of Saxony-Anhalt, gave essential and illuminating contributions through their respective presentations on:
- One Stop Shop model - covering all the procedures and services to support business lifecycle and unified services encompassing public administration
- Digital by default model – the use of digital planning tools by public authorities (e.g. 3D modelling & data driven tools) to enable greater interaction of SMEs and citizens in design and build of new planning developments, boosting business supply chain growth opportunities and better insights and transparency of city developments
- Models for SME funding in a regional development bank – to conduct activities for establishing, granting and managing funding schemes for SMEs and to offer financial products and services in different fields of funding of economic development.
In the course of a fruitful afternoon round table, guest experts, local stakeholders and representatives of the Municipality of Genoa discussed, among other themes:
- Strategies for attracting funding and financing sponsors at national and European level on the platform for business and employment policy, with the aim to increase economic growth of the area.
- How to stimulate and support SMEs in taking advantage of digitization and using the platforms that are made available for them?
- OSS: how to standardize modules and procedures?
- Digital Agenda – dynamic changes within Public Administration: how to adapt to regulatory and organizational changes?