On 24 October 2018 during the County’s regional stakeholder meeting Mr. Mike Wäsche from the tti Technologietransfer und Innovationsförderung Magdeburg GmbH. presented the „eBusiness-Lotse” project as a good practice. The three year long project in Saxony-Anhalt Region played a key role in SMEs actively applying ICT solutions in the following fields: IT safety, data protection, online marketing, process management, knowledge management, resource planning. The project was made possible with the funding from the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy and supported 70.000 enterprises.
The regional stakeholder group of PURE COSMOS including the experts from National Tax and Customs Administration, Hungarian Chamber of Commerce, INNOVA Észak-Alföld Nonprofit Ltd., Foundation For Enterprise Development in Hajdú-Bihar County examined the regional implementation possibility of the project presented by Mr.Wäsche
Hajdú-Bihar County Government within PURE COSMOS project together with the regional experts continues to look at the possibilities to implement an initiative like „eBusiness-Lotse” project.