Simplification and burdens reduction: the representative of the national Government, Mrs Silvia Paparo, explained that it is necessary a strict collaboration among Central Government, Local Bodies and Stakeholders. Without these premises, it can’t exist an efficient simplification policy. She has then talked about the weight of the administrative burdens in the life of our SMEs and she said that their total amount is 30,98 milliard euros per annum. In these costs, we can consider that a great influence is due to the mediator (80%), that helps the SMEs with all the fulfillments necessary to submit a practice to One Stop Shop. She also said that the Italian Government should focus its efforts to improve the implementation of the SMEs, that are the majority in all the entreprises landscape (95%). Mr. Trombino illustrated the recent normative previsions, that have deeply modified the approach of our SMEs to the administrative organisation of the One Stop Shop and also the internal management of the various procedures.
New digital Government. Mr. Samaritani is the responsible of the national Agency for the digital information. He explained their project for the digital Improvement Plan. An interest information that he gave us is that Italy is at the last places, in Europe, for the use of Internet as a competitive method. Better to say, our Country is at the first places for the construction of governance systems, but some steps behind for their employment.
It has been very interesting also the debate that arose progressively. There have been several comments from some colleagues that work in one stop shop and face every day the questions dealt in the Workshop.
Finally, the trade associations played a central role, pointing out all the critical issues that their enterprises have to face daily.