On September 1st 2016 the second stakeholder meeting took place in the Investitionsbank Sachsen-Anhalt (IB, Development Bank of Saxony-Anhalt) in Magdeburg. The main task within this meeting was to discuss the upcoming Peer Review and thus, the expectations and special points of interest, the needed expertise and relevant stakeholders and good practices. Furthermore the participating stakeholders discussed the results of the survey conducted by the IB within the business community regarding obstacles and possible improvements on funding processes. All stakeholders will be called to evaluate the identified suggestions for improvement, which are in their responsibility.
Finally the next steps were specified, e.g. collecting good practices, evaluation of suggested improvements, planning and implementation of peer review in Saxony-Anhalt. The next meeting will take place after the peer review.
Within this project PURE COSMOS the Investitionsbank Sachsen-Anhalt aims to cut the red tape in funding processes through digitization.