The central theme of discussion was the Pago L@PA payment hub, as one of the primary issues which are to be tackled by the stakeholder group through actions and projects in the Genoa area.
The meeting incorporated a workshop on the Pago L@PA payment system, in collaboration with Agid (the Agency for Italian Digitization), in order to:
1) promote knowledge of:
benefits, terms, timing, obligations, priority services and factors of acceleration of the payment system
2) to illustrate the progress made so far and the activation plan conceived by the Municipality of Genoa
The contributions to the debate, which are to be taken into account in further work of the stakeholder group, included:
• the role of the Pago L@PA payment system in the digital growth of the Country discussed by a representative of Agid
• interaction between consumer and supplier of public services, ease and transparency in relating to Public Administration, the role of Pago L@PA, examined by the Consumers’ Forum
• the view from the bank system perspective illustrated by the Italian Bank Association
• the role of the CBill service as a factor of acceleration for the activation of suppliers of payment services in the larger context of Pago L@PA, explained by a representative of CBI – Corporate Banking Interbancario
• multi-channeling and innovation for citizens and Public Administration seen through the experience of a major national bank, UniCredit S.p.A., as well as the relation between the payment system and the individual bank
• the involvement of providers of payment services in the Pago L@PA system, described by SISAL, a major payment services corporation
• representatives of the Municipality of Genoa from the Financial Department and the IT Department outlined Genoa’s objectives and activation plan in relation to the Pago L@PA project, describing the progress made so far on the general development level and on the technical level, and the challenges that remain for the future
• in particular, the following step will be the Peer Review organized in Genoa on 29-30 March, which will concentrate on development of the activation plan and will seek to discuss and gather suggestions by experts on the diffusion of knowledge of the payment system, the stimulation of digital skills by actors involved (SMEs, citizens, public sector), the involvement of business and payment service providers.