On September 26, 2017, the fifth stakeholder meeting took place at the Investitionsbank Sachsen-Anhalt (IB, Development Bank of Saxony-Anhalt) in Magdeburg. The main focus of this meeting was on the presentation of the procedure and the results of the “Customer Journey” workshop to enhance funding processes in the IB which had taken place one month earlier and its subsequent steps. The presentation was followed by a lively and interesting discussion with the participants of the stakeholder meeting.
In addition, an IB participant of the study visit in Wales reported his experiences. The aim of the study visit was to have an in-depth look at the e-cohesive compliant grant funding system for SMEs as a good practice.
The next stakeholder meeting will take place in January 2018.
Within the project PURE COSMOS, the Investitionsbank Sachsen-Anhalt aims to cut the red tape in funding processes through digitization.