Caravan for Social Innovation on tour (part II) 

Here is an update on the activities of RaiSE's favourite mean of transport: The Caravan for Social Innovation in Region Örebro County (Sweden).

The Caravan is an interesting and fruitful initiative of RaiSE Swedish stakeholder group, the Partnership for Social Innovation. It travels around Örebro municipalities to meet citizens and talk about social challenges and ideas on how to make things better. 

Anders Bro, Development Manager of Region Örebro County, shares with us an update on the activities of RaiSE's favourite mean of transport: 

The Caravan has visited four places during the Spring and discussed societal challenges with citizens. The first stop was Askersund municipality in early May. It was a hot and sunny day. As soon as we had put the Caravan in place, put out tables and chairs as well as coffee and buns, people started to come to either discuss different challenges or to present specific ideas they had thought about.

The Caravan's second stop was Fellingsbro (the municipality of Lindesberg) a week later. Although it was snowing and was really cold, several people came forward and discussed ideas. Two weeks later we went to Varberga, one of the big residential areas in Örebro municipality, and the last stop before Summer was Hällefors municipality, a smaller municipality in the north of the county, in the beginning of June. Even in these two places we had a lot of interesting discussions. The discussions have focused on many different issues: product development in health care, new social enterprises for women, activities for civil society organisations at asylum accommodations, security issues in residential areas as well as comprehensive ideas on how cities can develop in new directions.

So far, we have been able to guide and support several of the entrepreneurs and their ideas. The Partnership will now evaluate the Spring tour and plan the Autumn activities. The caravan will visit at least three municipalities after Summer.

Congratulations, Partnership for Social Innovation and Region Örebro County, for this fantastic good practice!