Meet the partner: Region Örebro County (Sweden)

Today we start in RaiSE a series of articles to get to know each project partner better. We present Region Örebro County (Sweden), RaiSE project partner 6. 

Örebro County is situated in the centre of Sweden. Region Örebro County principal task is to organize and provide health care to improve quality of life of all its 278.000 residents. Region Örebro County is responsible for health care, dental care, support and service to the disabled, research, culture, education and regional growth.

RaiSE team in Örebro

Anders Bro, Project Manager with a PhD in Political Science. He has a long experience in projects on democracy, participation and social economy. Besides working on the RaiSE-project – and other projects - he coordinates the Partnership for Social Innovation, a regional consortium consisting of representatives from the public sector, the social economy and the University. He is also an enthusiastic bird watcher. 

Mikael Norberg, Project Assistant. Mikael has experience working with the fields of civil society, community development and social economy. He, together with Anders Bro, coordinates the Partnership for Social Innovation. On his spare time, he is interested in sound design and in modular synthesis in particular.

Hanna Fyrpil, Financial manager with a Master of Science in Business and Economics. Hanna has experience as a financial assistant and working at the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth auditing EU-projects. She is handling the economy and reporting in several projects to external financiers i.e. Interreg Europe, Central Baltic and the Baltic Sea Program. Hanna will be on parental leave from July 14th and return after the summer 2018.

Anneli Baier, Financial manager. Anneli has experience as an Economist and working at the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth auditing EU-projects. She is handling the economy and reporting in several projects to external financiers i.e. Interreg Europe, Central Baltic and the Baltic Sea Program. Anneli is very engaged to her daughter's football team and also likes to travel a lot.