RaiSE, example of an Interreg Europe project in the Committee of the Regions' massive open online course (MOOC) 2018

The course has more than 12.000 participants, who will discover the stages of RaiSE expedition. 

Our project has been selected to be part of the Interreg Europe chapter in the 2018 edition of the Committee of the Regions' prestigious massive open online course (MOOC), which focuses on "How to make the most of European Union resources for regions and cities". 

In the six minutes video, participants can discover how regions can really benefit from getting together and from exchanging their practices, thanks to Interreg Europe programme. Many regions across Europe face similar challenges, but if they come together and share experiences and expertise, they will be able to improve their public policies.

The stages of RaiSE expedition can be seen in Interreg Europe's video: RaiSE partnership is presented and also the activities that they will undertake together to enhance the competitiveness of social enterprises. 

More information about Interreg Europe and the MOOC can be found here.