Third stakeholder group meeting in Emilia-Romagna

The Italian stakeholder group for RaiSE celebrated the third meeting on 14 February 2018 in Bologna. 

In the third meeting of the stakeholders group for RaiSE project, which brings together all the rellevant actors for the social economy in Emilia-Romagna, the stakeholders were informed about the results of the project meeting held in Bologna in November 2017: the regional studies on the social enterprises ecosystem were presented, there was a workshop on public procurement, and the partnership visited together representative social enterprises in Emilia-Romagna. The study visits, the workshop and the networking activities received very positive comments from all the participants (almost 60). 

The main topic of ERVET's third stakeholder meeting was the selection of RaiSE Good PracticesGood Practices in Emilia-Romagna that can inspire the European project partners in fostering the competitiveness of social enterprises. ERVET showed the meaning and main characteristics of “Good Practice” and the criteria that RaiSE Good Practices should have. The debate on the Good Practices was enriched and supported by the contribution of the stakeholders. The first Good Practice, which will be presented in the following project meeting in Örebro (April 2018) was already identified, as well as 3 other potential Good Practices. 

Finally, the agenda of Örebro meeting was presented and stakeholders were invited to participate. Two of them already confirmed their willingness to attend the meeting. 

Thanks a lot, ERVET team and stakeholders, for your enthusiasm and involvement in RaiSE project!