Fourth stakeholder group meeting in Emilia-Romagna
The Italian stakeholder group for RaiSE celebrated the fourth meeting on 14 May 2018 in Bologna.
Stakeholders have been updated about project’s progress: mapping on local social ecosystems, needs and gap analysis, good practices exchange, meeting and study visits of Orebro.
All Good Practices until now presented were shown and Emilia-Romagna 2nd Good Practice “Agriculture is social” has been validated by participants.
ERVET explained what an action plan is and how it should be defined, including the possible realization of a pilot action, if necessary and according to the criteria established by the Interreg Europe Programme.
ERVET together with the stakeholders focused on the Policy instrument “Emilia-Romagna ESF ROP 2014-2020 – Axis 1 – priority 8.5 “adaptability of workers, enterprises and entrepreneurs to changes”. Ideas and lines of work came up. Participants agreed on the necessity to schedule a meeting with the regional official responsible for the measure.
Finally, stakeholders have been informed about the next meeting in Scotland and the opportunity to participate to the Social Enterprise World Forum (Edinburgh, 12-14 September 2018).