Fourth stakeholder group meeting in Catalonia 

The Catalan stakeholder group for RaiSE celebrated the fourth meeting on 28 November 2018 in Barcelona. 


The meeting started with an overview of ACCIÓ's activities to support social enterprises in 2018: "Aracoop Internacional" service, prospective mission of the third social sector in Argentina and other actions. Afterwards, the meeting focused on RaiSE project. 

Overview of the project meeting in Edinburgh (September 2018)

The content and the conclusions of the last interregional meeting of RaiSE consortium in Edinburgh were explained to the group. The meeting was celebrated in the framework of the Social Enterprise World Forum. Participating in such an event (1.400 delegates from 47 countries) allowed the consortium to learn about initiatives from all over the world that enhance the impact and competitiveness of social enterprises (more info here). 

Participation in the European Week of Regions and Cities in Brussels (October 2018)

The project participated in two very interesting activities: RaiSE co-organised the session "Cohesion Policy meets Social Enterprises", together with Social Seeds and EURADA (read about it here) and RaiSE won the first place in Interact contest "Interreg Talks: 6 Projects, 1 Slam", a contest of Interreg projects that awarded the most original and innovative presentation (discover the story of RaiSE expedition here). 

Good Practices Guide 

The second good practice that Catalonia presented to the partnership was "Ateneus Cooperatius" Network, boosted by the Directorate-General for the Social Economy, that Roser Hernández explained to partners and stakeholders in Edinburgh meeting. The consortium found the proximity approach very interesting and practical, and regions like Örebro or Emilia-Romagna showed great interest in it.

The good practices that the rest of RaiSE partners presented in Edinburgh were well explained in the meeting, with a special focus on the ones that could be more interesting for Catalonia: Clann Credo and Community Services Programme from Ireland and Just Enterprise and Firsport from Scotland. 

Action Plans 

All Catalan stakeholders will be summoned to a working meeting in ACCIÓ in February 2019 to work together on a DAFO analysis and a proposal of public policies to improve the competitiveness of social enterprises in Catalonia, in the frame of the Support Plan to the Third Social Sector. 

Next project meeting in Westport (Ireland) 

Stakeholders were informed about the following interregional meeting in Mayo county (Ireland) from 28-31 January 2019. Taking into account that this is the last interregional meeting, the stakeholders invited will be the ones that couldn't participate in the previous meetings. 

Thanks a lot, Catalan stakeholders, for your proactivity!