Fifth stakeholder group meeting in Emilia-Romagna 

The Italian stakeholder group for RaiSE celebrated the fifth meeting on 20 September 2018 in Bologna. 

Stakeholders talked about the evolution of RaiSE project, the exchange of Good Practices, the definition of the Regional Action Plan and Initiatives and events in Emilia-Romagna devoted to social economy and social innovation. 

The Good Practice exchange between partners is still going on and it will end in January 2019 with the interregional meeting in Ireland. During the Edinburgh meeting ERVET presented its second Good Practice and tried to deepen the knowledge of “FirstPort” (Scottish Enterprise) and “Ateneus Cooperatius” Network (ACCIÓ) experiences, as suggested by the Regional Stakeholder Group.  

The Action Plan will be defined starting from the existent legislative framework. It will focus on the analysis of the regional ecosystem, on the good practices’ exchange and on the main needs expressed by social enterprises and stakeholders.

The policy instruments to be improved trough the Action Plan are: 

  1. ESF Regional Operative Plan Emilia-Romagna 2014-2020: thinking of a new call dedicated to the strengthening the skills of managers of social enterprises;
  2. ERDF Regional Operative Plan Emilia-Romagna 2021-2027: even if ERDF ROP do not include specific measures dedicated to social enterprises, the Action Plan will verify the opportunity to implement a reward system for social enterprises within the public calls.
  3. S3 Strategy: Action Plan will consider the opportunity to set up a specific cluster dedicated to social enterprises innovation. 

Stakeholders were also informed about the next RaiSE meeting in Ireland (Westport, 28-31 January 2019) and the opportunity to participate in it. 

Thanks a lot, ERVET team and stakeholders, for your enthusiasm and involvement in RaiSE project!