Interview at Claremorris Community Radio (County Mayo, Ireland)

During the study visits in County Mayo, Ireland (30th January 2019), RaiSE Interreg Europe representatives were interviewed in the radio programme "The way it is" with Anthony McNicholas, at Claremorris Community Radio.

Seamus McCormack (WestBIC, Ireland), Anders Bro (Örebro, Sweden), Pauline Graham (Social Firms Scotland) and Paula Santarén (ACCIÓ, Catalonia) talked about RaiSE Interreg Europe project and how Ireland's good practices are inspiring project partners in finding new solutions for financing social enterprises.

You can listen to this very interesting interview here: 

Thanks a lot, Anthony McNicholas & Claremorris Community Radio team, for the invitation and for your interest in RaiSE project! It was a pleasure for us to participate in "The way it is" :)