Study Visit 3 - Adapting the classic spatial cross-collaboration eco-system into a holistic approach

On September 12th – 14th our Project Partner, the City of Lublin, will host the third RCIA study visit and project meeting in Poland. Continuing from the past study visits the agenda is related to the project objective:

To develop/adapt/improve the eco-system from classic spatial cross-collaboration into a holistic approach

The process aimed at achieving this objective started during the meetings in Vienna and Wallonia. Now the partners will continue to share and discuss their policy and good practices.

A short sum-up of good practices presentations planned to be delivered during the visit:

  • Lublin Creative Policy Program
  • Lublin Creative District
  • Lublin IT Upland
  • Lublin Film Fund
  • Creative Hubs Policy
  • DEMOLA project presented by Signe Adamovica, Latvia
  • Transilvania Creative Industries Cluster presented by executive director Ania Pascalau, Romania
  • City “service development kit” presented by Efthymios Farmakis and Stylianos Gkekas, Greece

During the three days in Lublin the project partners and their regional stakeholders will visit several interesting initiatives, hubs and communities representing the cultural and creative industries eco-system in the region of Lublin.

City of Lublin – a short introduction

Our project partner City of Lublin has written a short presentation of Lublin putting a spotlight on the city’s historical background and present-day opportunities:

Lublin is a city with a long history of being an important meeting point between the East and the West which constitutes in the business and cultural activities, events and modern institutions. Lublin is the largest city in EU’s eastern peripheries, it is the “European Union’s gate to the East”. Lublin is an excellent place to promote Eastern European culture in the European Union and to promote Poland and the EU among Ukraine and Belarus.

The city has a creative class combining elements of fine arts, handcraft, and technology; the class whose representatives transform passion into economic value and whose successes can inspire not only the most innovative and active citizens but also the largest and richest enterprises.

With theatres, galleries, museums, philharmonic orchestra, opera and operetta stage Lublin is undisputed center of cultural life in this part of Poland. Popular and recognized international festivals are held in the city almost all year round.

With 9 higher education institutions and well educated, ambitious youngsters Lublin is not only a huge academic center but also the biggest modern business services center in Eastern Poland with great focus on IT sector.

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