Study Visit 2 - Adapting the classic spatial cross-collaboration eco-system into a holistic approach

On May 22nd – 24th our Project Partner Public Service of Wallonia will host the second RCIA study visit and project meeting in Belgium. The focus for the study visit is related to the project objective:

To develop/adapt/improve the eco-system from classic spatial cross-collaboration into a holistic approach. 

Following the process initiated at the kick-off meeting in Vienna, the partners will continue to share and discuss their policy good practices.

A short sum-up of good practice presentations planned to be introduced during the visit:

  • The Creative Wallonia policy programme
  • Wallonia European Creative District
  • Creative Hub regional policy
  • Creative Hub from Liège and Liège’s innovation district
  • “Why Experiences Industries?“ introduced by the Experiences Industries Coordinator from ACCIÓ - Catalonia Trade & Investment, Government of Catalonia

During the three days in Belgium the project partners and their regional stakeholders will visit several interesting initiatives, hubs and communities within the cultural and creative industries eco-system in the region of Wallonia.


On the first day, our Belgium partner will organize a visit in Namur to Albert Jacquard college enabling the RCIA partners to attend the Walloon Creativity Week event. The Walloon Creativity Week is a week-long program that aims at spreading creativity and innovation around the region. Several activities and events are organised in the major cities (see the program). For instance, on Thursday the Makers Fair will include a drone race and an exhibition of several creative projects. Don’t hesitate to participate.


On day two a trip to IDCampus  is planned. The IDCampus mission is to spread and teach creative methodologies. Here the Comptoir des resources creatives will give a presentation on their bottom-up initiative mutualizing unused spaces and tools for artists and cultural creations.


The last day in Liége will take place at the Wallonia Design Station, an iconic building located opposite the Guillemins station. It is a project funded by ERDF funds, Wallonia and SPI. The multifunctional, modular building is home for Walloon design, a creative and business centre and an incubator. It is designed to be a showcase for designers and creators to help them create, make themselves known and bring their projects to life. 

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