Sharing best implementation practices at SmarTransnational Cooperation Conference

Our partners at North-West Regional Development Agency participated, at the ETC University – SmarTransnational Cooperation Conference, organized by the Ministry of Regional Development as National Authority for the European Cooperation Programmes in Romania: InterregEurope, Interreg Danube, URBACT and ESPON. The conference took place on 20-22nd of November in Bucharest, Romania

The event gathered representatives from all European territorial cooperation programmes, national Management Authorities and project beneficiaries, enclosing success stories, capitalization actions, InterregEurope platforms, last calls to be opened, training sessions on management and communications and debate on the future of such programmes within the new proposal of the European Commission for the next period 2021-2027.

Within the Interreg Europe panel chaired by the Director of the Joint Secretariat, Mr. Erwin Siweris, our colleague Ioana shared the most successful elements of such projects, including her experience in implementing RCIA activities. The added value of the inspiration coming from successful proven initiatives from partner regions, the synergies and joint forces within the communication flows of the Local Stakeholders Groups, the strategic importance of the analysis, strategies and action plans stem from the local and interregional cooperation and the importance of sustainability of such actions – were the main aspects highlighted on the stage, wrapped with the usual enthusiasm which characterizes the territorial cooperation consortia.