The representatives of Florentine Energy Agency, Lead Partner for Rebus project, will meet public servants from Buzau City Hall as well as experts on energy efficiency for discussing measures taken by Buzau Municipality in the field of programming.

The main results achieved so far within the implementation of 2015-2020 Sustainable Energy Action Plan of Buzau Municipality (PAED) as well as their new initiative “Action Plan for improving the energy efficiency” will be the main topics of the 1st day meeting.

The 2nd day addresses the issue of policy instrument improvement by exchange of information on Regional Operational Plan (ROP) implementation in Tuscany and South East Region of Romania. There will be a comparison of the target interventions and eligible costs, main beneficiaries, evaluation and selection criteria, and the difficulties and proposed solutions. Nevertheless, a study-visit is planned to see examples of projects on energy efficiency financed under ROP 2007-2013. 

The staff exchange aims at facilitating the Good Practice transfer in the field of energy efficiency in public buildings from both regions having the final goal the development of the Action Plan for policy instrument improvement in the field of energy efficiency.