Global warming as a consequence of the greenhouse effect and the associated climate change may have a negative impact on all of us. However, with well-designed settlements and buildings, significant reductions can be achieved, inter alia, in terms of CO2 emissions and energy consumption, which can favourably affect the accelerated and harmful processes.  

The REBUS mid-term dissemination event, that is titled,

“Well designed settlements and buildings for significant savings"

will focus on important topics, such as sustainable city-level energy planning, energy-efficient public building renovations, effective awareness-raising techniques, ESCO and other funding opportunities and practical experience of planning and implementing Priority 3.2.1 of the Territorial and Urban Development Operational Programme (TOP), which is the targeted policy instrument to be improved by REBUS project and finances municipality-owned energy efficient public building renovations. 

Mainly public sector representatives from local municipalities dealing with TOP 3.2.1 Priority funded projects, the Managing Authority and the Local Stakeholder Group members and their partner organizations are invited to attend the event.  

This occasion provides a great opportunity also to introduce the “ENERGY RENOVATION PATH” that was elaborated by the REBUS project partners and which is a practical guide for public sector representatives and experts who are interested in public building energy efficient renovation processes (planning, implementation, monitoring and capacity building).