Global warming as a consequence of the greenhouse effect and the associated climate change may have a negative impact on all of us. However, with well-designed settlements and buildings, significant reductions can be achieved, inter alia, in terms of CO2 emissions and energy consumption, which can favourably affect the accelerated and harmful processes.  

The REBUS mid-term dissemination event, that is titled,

“Energy efficiency of the public building stock”

will focus on important topics:  

As part of the POR FESR 2014-2020 call for projects to improve the energy efficiency of public buildings, the Tuscany Region, in collaboration with ANCI TOSCANA and REBUS Project, organizes an event aimed at presenting the results achieved and illustrating further actions to support the implementation of projects eligible in the ranking list and not yet funded. 

In order to fully implement the financial intervention, Regional Administration intends to confirm the commitment to finance further projects of the aforementioned ranking through the use of additional Community funds POR ERDF. 

The Energy Services Operator (GSE) and the Toscana Energy Consortium (CET) will also participate in the event to promote further opportunities to support Public Administrations for the implementation of energy efficiency projects for public buildings.