The Lithuanian Innovation Centre organised a Stakeholder Meeting in Vilnius on 26th February 2020 for the 4th semester of the RECREATE project. This was attended by representatives of transport sector, government, business support agencies, transport business associations and universities.  

The Stakeholder Meeting was divided into three parts. The first presentation, “Tendencies of the transport sector: challenges and new possibilities”, was delivered by a representative of the Lithuanian Innovation Centre. This showed how the transport sector is contributing to the economy of Lithuania, how new technologies are shaping this sector, the status quo of innovation development and application.

The second presentation was delivered by the CEO of a transport company, Semitransa Ltd. He tried to show the reality of an average transport sector (cargo transportation) company, its goals and capabilities. 

All this led to some discussions between the participants. It was highlighted the fact that Lithuanian transport sector competitiveness and innovation heavily depends on the neighbouring countries as they are a bridge to major markets. In addition, most companies look at future tendencies as futuristic and far from being implemented on a daily basis. They see these technologies as something for big corporations, with no real use in small growing companies.