The 7th Stakeholder Meeting in Greece was held online on 24th February 2022 and was attended by the main stakeholders of READ S.A.

The aim of the meeting was to identify new Good Practices in terms of business support offered to Transport SMEs specifically during the COVID-19 pandemic. The best two would be recorded on the Interreg Europe website and described in depth with the assistance and contribution of the stakeholders.

The event began with an update on the project and the additional activities. In the lively discussion and brainstorming that followed among the participants, some Good Practices were identified:

  • The "NISIDA" program that offers support in the form of non-repayable grant, to small and very small enterprises based in the South Aegean Region and affected by the pandemic. Through this program, at least 10 transport SMEs (related to terrestrial and maritime transport) received funding to face difficulties due to COVID-19.
  • A subsidy for bus transport companies and Road Transport Tourist Enterprises that have been affected by the restrictions related to social distance to limit the spread of the virus.
  • Other funding opportunities at national level like: reduction of the rent for certain enterprises affected by COVID-19 (including transport enterprises); refundable deposit; and the Business Guarantee Fund COVID-19, financed under the "Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation" Operational Program.

Each participants gave their valuable contribution according to their expertise.

The Good Practices identified will be discussed with the Lead Partner and two of these will be investigated more in depth.