‘Europe, let’s cooperate’ was an online event organized by Interreg Europe this past 24th and 25th of November. This two-day event was full of presentations regarding numerous thematics allowed the exchange of ideas and solutions at an interregional level. Besides, participants were encouraged to participate, ask questions and network for future consortiums and partnerships.

However, the focus was on the second day of the event, when the upcoming new programme of Interreg Europe 2021-2027 was due to be announced and questions answered. The general public, stakeholders and potential partners were eager to see what is in store for the future of European Cooperation.

 The stream to present the new programme resembled a talk show where the host, Miia Itänen, Communication Officer of Interreg Europe, interviewed many members of the Interreg Europe team like Erwin Siweris, the Programme Director; Nicolas Singer Head of Unit Projects and Platforms, and Petra Geitner, Head of Unit Finance and Audit. The interviews were interspersed with Q&A sessions moderated by the Communication Officer, Petra Polaskova.

 Nicolas Singer, Head of Unit Projects, and Platforms, explained that the objective of the new Interreg Europe’s programme will focus on a smarter, greener, and more connected Europe, centred on its citizens, social politics, and overall governance. One of the big changes is the increased flexibility of the programme, which will allow projects to propose and be engaged in pilot actions right from the beginning.

There will be two phases: Core (3 years length) – to exchange experience and achieve policy improvements, and Follow-up (1-year length) – to monitor these policy improvements. Totalizing 4 years of each project.

Participation in the new Interreg Europe 2021-2027 programme will be more flexible, meaning that it will be up to the project’s consortium to decide their activities and to design their follow-up phase. This methodology enables learning to happen also during a latter phase.

In conclusion, the new Interreg Europe call should be ready in the first semester of 2022. It is intended to be announce one call per year, and it was mentioned that any topic chosen by partners need to be clearly explained the relationship between the potential project and public policy. To be eligible, partners must look beyond the traditional area of cooperation.

Stay tuned for more news about the programme.