Representatives of Koprivnički poduzetnik Ltd. Martina Mak, Mateja Horvat and Vesna Vrhovec on May 10th, 2019. held a stakeholder meeting at HAMAG BICRO with representatives of HAMAG BICRO Nenom Rakićem, Jasmina Tvrdojević Perić, Draganom Štabom and Nikolinom Lovric.

The theme of the meeting was to present the project activities, after EoE in Porto, present mapping results, obtaining information related to present (if any) and future policies (calls for proposals) that contribute to strengthening the collaboration of ICT sector-artist sector and fostering innovation.

Representatives of the Koprivnički poduzetnik presented project activities, with emphasis on mapping results. Representatives of HAMAG BICRO were interested in the results of mapping, especially reflections of artists and the ICT sector about the current and future tenders, about cooperation and whether they think there is lack of support for the development of innovative products and services…

Representatives of the Koprivnički poduzetnik, in addition to mapping results, were seeking information on future calls for proposals that may be relevant to the target audience of the Region Arts. Finally, the indicative list of new calls for proposals in the future was discussed so as implementation OPs Competitiveness and Cohesion and the calls for proposals that derive from the Smart Specialization Strategy.