25th February 2021, 9.00-12.20 o’clock CET, online via Zoom (registration required)

9.00-9.10 Opening and welcome, Markus Hirvonen, Region Mayor, North Karelia , Finland

9.10-9.20 Welcome, Ana Mihaljevic, Policy Officer at Interreg Europe, Interreg Europe Secretariat

9.20-9.40 Key Note Speech, Tina Benda, the RIS Manager of EIT Raw Materials CLCE

Round table – Policy programmes enabling the development of sustainable mining

9.40-12.20 o’clock CET

9.40-10.15 Short 7 minutes presentations highlighting the main findings and learnings

Own raw material resources – Source of own independence, Vladimír Bomberovič, Senior expert, Ministry of Trade and Industry, State Raw Material Policy Department, Czech Republic

Mining 2030 -futureproofing the Austrian Raw Materials Strategy, Michael Tost, Senior Researcher, Chair of Mining Engineering and Mineral Economics, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria

The integrated mining ecosystem and improved governance of RIS3 – emergence new collaboration and cross fertilisation, Alexandra B. Ribeiro, Associate Professor, Center for Environmental and Sustainability Research, School of Science and Technology, NOVA University Lisbon | Centro, Portugal

Building of the Regional Mining Ecosystem -The importance of working together at regional and interregional level, speaker TBC, Innovation & Entrepreneurship Department, Institute for Business Competitiveness of Castilla y Leon, Spain

Integrated mining ecosystem for better governance of the Lower Silesian Innovation Strategy 2030, Michał Frycz – Manager of Innovation Unit, Department of Economy, Marshal Office of Lower Silesia, Poland

10.15-10.45 Facilitated roundtable discussion, by Julius Oförsagd, CEO and Creative Director at Arctic Factor

10.45-11.00 Break

Round table – Individual projects putting regional sustainable mining actions in to practice

11.00-12.00 o’clock CET

11.00-11.30 Short 7 minutes presentations highlighting the main findings and learnings

Regional SMEs as drivers in the development of the Industrial Circular Economy, Tuomas Pussila, Programme Manager, Industrial Circular Economy, Digipolis, Lapland, Finland

Act local to be active in the global mining value chain, Ilkka Nykänen, Business Joensuu, North Karelia, Finland

Deep Digital Cornwall - mining in the Local Industrial Strategy, research with 40 SMEs,

Frances Wall, Professor of Applied Mineralogy, Camborne School of Mines, University of Exeter,

Cornwall, United-Kingdom

The trailhead in integrating the industry 4.0 throughout the Raw Materials sector’s value chain, Sterea Ellada, Greece

11.30-12.00 Facilitated roundtable discussion, by Julius Oförsagd, CEO and Creative Director at Arctic Factor

Remix – conclusions and main findings 12.00-12.20

12.00-12.15 Conclusions and summing up the REMIX achievements

Wolfgang Reimer, Managing Director, GKZ Freiberg eV, Germany

Ilari Havukainen, Senior Advisor at East & North Finland EU Office

12.15-12.20 Closing the REMIX final event, Päivi Ekdahl, Development Director, Regional Council of Lapland