The book Policy Road Map. A Systemic Approach For Circular Regions has been released in hard and online version free download.

The adoption of Systemic Design in the transition to regional Circular Economies thanks to the definition of multilevel governance, this volume edited by Silvia Barbero and Carolina Giraldo Nohra of the Department of Architecture and Design of Politecnico di Torino is the third publication of the European project RETRACE.

The volume underlines how the approach used by the RETRACE project can be adopted by multi-level governance and for this reason presents the contributions of the European Parliament By Simona Bonafé, the European Commission by the Unit for Clusters, Social Economy and Entrepreneurship Directorate-General (DG) GROWTH, the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) by European Officer at SEDEC Commission Maria Lozano, the European Environmental Bureau by Piotr Barczak and other regional management authorities. 

The contributions chosen by the editors deal with the different perspectives of European governance around the five Policy Briefs, developed by the project partner regions ( Piedmont Region in Italy, Nouvelle Aquitaine in France, Basque Country in Spain, North East Region in Romania and Slovenia) include recommendations for updating regional and national RIS3 strategies for the promotion of sustainable development. The presentation of this milestone of the project is flanked by the different approaches on the importance of methodologies such as that adopted by the RETRACE project in the improvement of decision-making processes and participatory planning.

Created as part of the European project RETRACE, the publication is the third and last volume of a series following the volumes "Systemic Design Method Guide for Policymaking: A Circular Europe on the Way" and "Good Practical Guide: Systemic Approaches for a Circular Economy "