During the videoconference, the main progress of the project was presented to the stakeholders.

Good Practices presented by all project partners so far were also discussed, both those presented previously, which are more remarkable, and those presented in the last semester. 

This presentation was followed by a broad debate on GPs, highlighting those that can be transferred to the territory and applied in the action plan on which work will begin shortly. 

Specifically, the technicians from the Lower Aragón Region, Daniel Millera and the Teruel Community Region, Carmen Alonso, made interesting contributions about the vestiges of the Spanish civil war and its enhancement through possible interventions. 

Carmen Alonso explained the routes and information that is already catalogued and available on maps with itineraries that link these enclaves on the Atrincherate maps. 

For his part, Daniel Millera suggested the connection of other heritage elements related to the conflict throughout the Aragonese geography. 

These vestiges are declared as heritage and the Regional Government wants to include them among the BIC Assets of Cultural Interest. In this regard, the Aragon Government technician, Raquel Ornat, contributed positively to the information on the current status of the declaration of the heritage of these fortified environments. 

The rest of the participants in the videoconference contributed their point of view and their knowledge about the local reality of this heritage and their vision for the improvement of its management and sustainability

After the exchange of opinions, the participants are summoned to a new meeting in the next 6 months.