The 4th Interregional Thematic Workshop of the RFC project was held on January the 26th, again as an online event, due to the persisting restrictions related to COVID19 pandemic. This time, the workshop topic was financing systems.

During the workshop, there were three presentations; The 1st one was provided by Mr Tim Electeur, investment manager of PMV. Tim presented the possible way of evaluation of the potential of historical buildings, giving as an example the old building in Derdemonde, which is currently undergoing the process.

The workshop continued with the presentation of Ms Martina Fišerová, representing the Ministry for Regional Development of the CR. She gave participants the view of the financing possibilities in the period 21+.

Finally, the last external presentation was in charge of Mr Pavel Lukeš, representative of IE Contact point of the CR. He introduced the status of the IE programme, COVID19 possible call for additional activities in 2021, and future development of programmes.

After these presentations, it was time for project partners contributions. Each of them put in common good practices of financing systems.

Some examples of Magdeburg’s fortress-related projects were presented to the virtual study visitors. Christian Szibor explained the development of the "Festung Mark" into one of Magdeburg's most popular event centres. Afterwards, the volunteer restoration project Sanierungsverein "Ravelin 2" e. V. was presented by Josephine Kroneberg as a successful example of voluntary citizen participation with use for living history and fortress tourism. To illustrate the realisation of a special project from the point of view of an architectural office, Hans Schinlauer (META architektur GmbH) gave, among other things, an exciting insight into project implementation of the Culinaria restaurant at and in the Old Leipzig Railway Gate at the river Elbe. Sabine Ullrich from the association "Freunde der Festung Magdeburg e. V." (Friends of Magdeburg Fortress) presented the committed activities in the field of monument preservation, urban development and tourism in the context of Magdeburg's fortress heritage. 


Documents about this workshop will be able soon in the library section.