On 31 January 2020, the Prešov self-governing region organized the first meeting of external experts, representatives of towns and other interested parties on the project „Recapture the Fortress Cities“

The project, which has been implemented by Prešov self-governing region since August 2019, deals with the problems and needs of fortified towns in the region. The aim of the project is to improve regional and local conservation policy, cultural monuments - fortifications, improving the coexistence of these historical monuments and cities and integrating historical fortifications into current urban planning, infrastructure and functional context.

The invitation to this meeting was accepted by representatives of fortified towns in the region: Prešov, Levoča, Bardejov, Sabinov, Kežmarok or Podolínec, architects and representatives of the monument office. After the presentation, a very lively debate started, which shows a great interest in this current topic. In the near future, Prešov self-governing region plans to visit individual cities and obtain more detailed information about the needs and problems faced by fortified cities.

The project „Recapture the Foretress Cities“ is implemented with the financial support of the Interreg Europe program.