The local and regional stakeholders in the Antwerp region were involved during kick-off meeting with the European Partners by the end of November 2019 (25-26-27), organized by partner 2 Regional Landscapes of Antwerp.

During the two days kick-off meeting there where morning sessions and participation of local stakeholders with European partners. In the afternoon study visits took place towards Lillo fortress, former fortifications of Zandvliet and the fortress city of Herentals. During the first visit of the fortress of Lillo many good practices are shown such as the alternative transportation solution over water (Waterbus) and also smart re-use of heritage in the theatre in the middle of a fortress with interesting local storytelling. The second visit to the former fortress structure of Zandvliet gave more insight into how heritage is almost vanished, but still recognizable in the street pattern in particular. During this study visit was shown how the total experience can be brought back by partial reconstruction and smart landscape design for example, water retention and catchment in former canal structure and public use of agriculture land through CSA or fruit gardens. The third study visit in the second day went to the city of Herentals with a former city wall of 4 kilometres, mostly as a landscape structure with two brick gates and also a great archaeological interest that is subject in many new development zones around the city. The final ambition of the city is to activate these ‘forgotten’ city walls like a real city structure with projects such as a continuous walking and cycling route, water retention buffer, landscape and public space design …

The official kick-off of the European project RFC was given at the end of the two-day study visit with a representation of the local and regional government giving multiple speeches together with the RFC Lead Partner. This kick-off took place in the castle Le Paige in Herentals, the place where the RFC project idea is born.

Many more local and regional stakeholders were involved during Efforts annual congress on 28 and 29th of November 2019 in Antwerp city at the Felix Pakhuis where RFC was presented during a key-note session by partner 2 Regional Landscapes of Antwerp. This was foreseen during the preparation visit in BXL in September to combine the kick-off of RFC and Efforts congress in the same week.