On 21st November was held the first stakeholder meeting in Magdeburg.
The project management presented the content and topics of the first study visit to Antwerp and the thematic workshops and panel discussions in a presentation. The explanations were supplemented by the impressions of the representative of the fortress adviser Sabine Ullrich. As a result, the diversity of the different partners/fortifications could be determined.
All stakeholders were asked to think about good examples that could be included in the project.
A discussion arose about the structure of an action plan and its contents. Considerations were:
• Which overall model should be pursued for the fortifications in the city
• The question of prioritizing fortress components with regard to their maintenance, renovation or further development
• The development should not focus on the tourism aspect, but also on urban development for a city worth living in, integration in green structures, recreation areas etc.
• better public relations, marketing
• Individual measures have already been discussed, e.g. Information tour and / or app; Improved appearance of the cultural fortress Mark (roof structure) etc.
• Discussion of the city's support options, waiver of property tax, the unambiguity of the execution of the transfer agreement, e.g. Relieving the burden on users/operators of urban fortifications during structural maintenance
All stakeholders consider possible measures/contents for the action plan until the next meeting.