Spreading the culture of corporate welfare to encourage the use of good welfare practices among small and medium-sized enterprises (SME, in Italian PMI): this is the objective of the Welfare Index PMI, the initiative - now in its third edition - promoted by Generali Italia, with the participation of major Italian confederations: Confindustria, Confagricoltura, Confartigianato and Confprofessioni. After three years, the success of the initiative is still growing, as evidenced by the involvement in the survey of over 4,000 companies in 2018, 20% more than last year. The news of welfare in Italy are illustrated in the "Welfare Index Index Pmi 2018", which will be presented next April 10 in Rome at the Salone Delle Fontane dell'Eur. During the presentation event - sponsored by the Council Presidency - the first three classified for each sector will be awarded and 4 special mentions will be awarded to the best small and medium enterprises in different fields.