RUMORE project looks ahead at its second interregional learning event. This will take place from 28th-29th September 2017 in Almelo, the Netherlands, and will provide project partners and interested stakeholders with the possibility to learn about diverse innovative projects and approaches from the region of Twente.
During the meeting, Green Knowledge Portal Twente and Green Metropolis Twente will present their efforts and yearlong experience with the initiation of quadruple helix cooperation and living labs. Selected local practices, such as “Green and Edible City”, “Alternative Crops” and Biological Knowledge Centre de Viermarken, will show successful examples of how cooperation between citizens, local government, research institutions and business could foster regional production and act as a motor for innovation in rural areas.
The second day of the meeting will be dedicated to internal project work including presentations of policy instrument improvement, exchange on Good Practices from the partner regions and discussions in the three Working Groups.