RUMORE attended the launch event of the Policy Learning Platform on Reserach & Innovation and SME Competitiveness of the Interreg Europe Programme. The event took place on 19th - 20th October 2017 in Milan, Italy.
The Policy Learning Platform is a new initiative that aims at stimulating discussions on the use of R&D results, the promotion of open innovation and the contribution of SMEs for regional growth. The Platform offers possibilities for intensive exchange on Good Practices and project approaches. Its events foster the networking between regional and national managing authorities, clusters and projects from all over Europe.
RUMORE was represented in the two-day event by the Region of Lombardy, partner in the project. Carlo Palazzoli from the Region of Lombardy gave a speech in the session "How to find common objectives and remove obstacles to foster SMEs competitiveness by dealing with innovation".
Carlo presented the RUMORE activities, main project aims and expected outcomes. He introduced selected Good Practices from the metropolitan area of Milan among which the “innovation for enterprises” round table and the systemic vision of “agriculture as territory”. Both Practices are innovative approaches for the diversification of funding opportunities for micro-small-medium-enterprises in the metropolitan area of Milan. They illustrate the importance of urban-rural partnership and the value cooperation adds to innovation processes in rural territories. Urban-rural linkages hide huge underused potentials for Lombardy’s regional economy. To untap growth potentials the Region calls for the establishment of synergies between the rural districts and the high-technological clusters, introduced in the RIS3 strategy of Lombardy.
Learn all details about the platform event and check its final agenda under