Within the Rural Growth project has taken place between the 1º and the 3º of July in the Castle of la Mota in Medina del Campo the 7º international meeting of participant partners with the goal of put in common the work agenda of the 2º phase that consists in the execution of action plans designed by partners following the methodology implemented by the University of Newcastle.

It has been counted during these 3 days with the presence of twenty participants from different entities who conform part of the project, and with a series of people and entities linked to Medina21 among which it is worth mentioning the Chamber of Commerce of Valladolid, University Federico II of Naples and Wine Route of Rueda. 

Partners could be part of 3 pilot experiences which Medina del Campo will realize related with the project: visit to the Entrepreneur Dynamization Centre Simón Ruiz, put in valour of underground cellars of the historical and commercial downtown in Medina and they could know too first-hand the Fight against Depopulation Plan.