The fourth meeting with the stakeholders from North-West Region (Romania)

On December 14, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Bistrița-Năsăud organized, at its headquarters, the fourth meeting with the stakeholders from the North-West Region (Romania). The meeting started with discussions on the conclusions following the Partners’ meeting organized on November 8, in Bistrița (Romania) and the study visit at Silvania International Prod in Lunca Ilvei (Romania). 

In the second part of the meeting, the participants forwarded their observations and proposals on the SWOT analysis draft created within the project. The data analysed so far showed that the most important needs of the rural entrepreneurs are related to the education system, infrastructure, policies for developing innovativeness in rural areas and communication on financing opportunities for SMEs.

During the meeting, the participants were also invited to propose some examples of good practices on the theme, Energy and ICT niches in rural entrepreneurship”, which will be presented at the next workshop, held in Guimarães (Portugal), in March. 2018.