This video shows the S3Chem project at the international chemistry fair Expoquimica in Barcelona. In particular, the video addresses the S3Chem project, the chemical sector in Europe, the Expoquimia as a business platform and the role of public-private cooperation. Moreover, some insights from regional perspectives and the role of Clusters and Tech Centers in the evolution of the chemical industry and its challenges are presented.
Speakers: André Mangelsdorf (project coordinator), Fabian Scuvie (Public Service de Wallonie), Pilar Navarro (Business Unit Director at Fira Barcelona), Jaime Fernández Cuest (IDEPA), Huib Daniels (Province of Limburg), Arvid Friebe (Infra-Zeitz Servicegesellschaft mbH), Andreas Fiedler (ISW), Fernando Torres (Centre Tecnològic de las Química de Catalunya) and Maria Dolors Núnez (ACCIÓ Gernalist de Catalunya)